Home Goldfish Discovering the Beauty of Thai Oranda Goldfish: A Complete Review

Discovering the Beauty of Thai Oranda Goldfish: A Complete Review

Thai Oranda Goldfish

Are you aware of the name of a beauty that makes a home aquarium a collection of brittle stars? If you don’t, I will tell you the name of the mesmerizing stunner that enhances the beauty of a fish aquarium to double. It’s none other than Thai Oranda Goldfish. Let’s have a look at this splendid gentle community of goldies in detail. Maybe your heart is set on getting a new pet. Who knows?

What is Thai Oranda Goldfish

Thai Oranda goldfish is one of the most popular breeds of goldfish whose identity is flesh growth on the top of its head, known as Wen. It is a unique stunning aquatic creature that comes in different shapes, colors, and sizes. The features that make it different from others are as follows:

NameCarassius Auratus (Thai Oranda goldfish)
ColorOrange, red
SizeEverage 8 to 10 inches, sometimes larger
Tank size20 gallons
Temperature65°–72° F tolerable
Life span5-10 years

Oranda Thai Goldfish Origin

Thai Oranda or Thai Red Cap Oranda both are terms for Oranda Thai goldfish. The first Thai Oranda originated in Thailand. This ornamental goldfish was developed through selective breeding of the original wild carp, raised as food fish in China over a thousand years ago.

The Oranda Thai goldfish is unique for its prominent hood or wen on its head, resulting from crossbreeding between Chinese Lionhead and Red Cap Oranda goldfish introduced to Thailand in the early 1900s.

Thai Oranda Complete Overview

Oranda Thai is one of the most lovable types of goldfish. It is readily available in medium to small-size in any pet store. Due to its friendly and gentle nature, it is the sweetest and most playful water creature that lives with other goldfish easily without any hindrance. But keep in mind this is not always the case. Maybe your Thai Oranda is a moody goldie. 

In appearance, do you ever feel like it is different from other goldfish? The reason is its fleshy brain-like growth on its head that sometimes covers the face and gills as well. Orandas comes first in the list with this fleshy growth known as Wen. 

Sometimes this outgrowth grows so much that it affects Thai oranda tiny eyes. But don’t worry if you ever feel like you may lose your pet goldfish or if it may hurt your pet because you have the option to trim it like hair. It is suitable for them, but on the other side, your cute tiny water creature may lose its puffy face look. 

Moreover, the Thai Oranda has a frilly tail at 90 degrees angle against its body (not always at 90 degrees). Sadly, you cannot find it easily because not all Thai Oranda has this tail, but with the curiosity it arouses, you will love to enjoy it while finding it in your goldies. 

How Big Do Oranda Goldfish Get

The Oranda breed of goldfish is the biggest of all fancies in size. Its average size is about 8 to 12 inches, but it can get over 12 inches along with its tail. I love this breed of oranda because of its chubby bubbly cheeks and big belly.

The mesmerizing beauty has egg-shaped bodies covered with large, round scales whose color can be metallic or matte or, in some cases, with a pearlescent or iridescent sheen. The caudal tail fin is long and split, forming a beautiful floating fan shape when fish swim in the water. 

That’s why it is called the ‘flower of the water’ in China. Other fins of this goldfish breed are paired, which gives the goldfish a splendid symmetrical appearance.

Color Patterns 

Have you ever seen a Rainbow? Oranda comes in all colors of the rainbow. Most prominent is solid self-colored red-orange. The red cap is common in all, and the body of goldfish is matte or metallic white with red wen on the top of the head like a crown. 

Now they are making a breed of unusual black and red cap orandas instead of the common white color. This goldfish breed also offers patterns of red and white, calico, panda, nacreous, black, and silver.


Orandas are mostly Omnivorous which means they both eat plants and animals. The best and most balanced diet contains both plants and meaty protein. Feed your goldfish with fish flakes and pellets. Choose live and freeze dried food like bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, etc. 

Remember never to overfeed this cute tiny creature because it harms them, and they mostly get sick of swim bladder disease. The swim bladder is located above the stomach, and when the stomach inflates due to overfeeding, the swim bladder gets pressed, it will cause the release of air from it and affecting the fish’s buoyancy. 

Thai Oranda Goldfish Tank Size

As we have discussed earlier, its maximum size is 12 inches, and sometimes it grows bigger; therefore, it needs enough space to grow to its full length. A fish bowl cannot keep a Thai Oranda in it. Setting up a tank with approximately 20 gallons of water is a suitable place to keep them safe from any damage. Avoid sharp things in the tank for your pet’s safety.


Thai Oranda has a gentle and friendly nature, and they are the most comfortable with other types of fancy goldfish. If you want a community of different goldfish in your aquarium, then the Thai Oranda must be one of them to maintain a healthy and soothing environment.

Oranda Goldfish Temperature

Goldfish are prone to chilly water and hot water, which causes health problems in goldfish because their immune system is weaker. 65°–72° F is best for these sensitive water creatures because they survive well in cooler freshwater. If the temperature is below normal, use the aquarium’s heater to make it normal for goldfish.


They require cooler weather, warm temperatures, and adequate tank size to reproduce. The pond is the best option to reproduce like magic; the minimum is 1000 eggs at once.

Thai Oranda Goldfish Care 

Thai Oranda is a sensitive water creature; their environment and diet require special care and attention. Their short bodies with compact organs create health issues like swim bladder disease and others. As a pet owner of a dazzling freshwater beauty, it is necessary to consider all the necessary precautions so that your finny friend will live with you longer.


Is Blue Oranda Goldfish and Thai Oranda Goldfish are same?

Blue Oranda Goldfish and Thai Oranda Goldfish are not the same. The major difference is the color patterns.

What is the difference between Panda Oranda Goldfish and Yhai Oranda Goldfish?

Both have the same characteristics as other Oranda breeds except for the color pattern.

What is a Thai Oranda Goldfish price?

Thai Oranda goldfish price lies between $40 and $200. It depends upon your area, pet store, and fish age factors. 

Is Thai Oranda goldfish for sale?

Yes, Thai Oranda goldfish is for sale in many pet stores.


If you are searching for a goldfish to take home as a pet, this post is very helpful as it covers the most appealing goldfish type, the Thai Oranda. You will get the complete overview from body size to the meticulous care of this breed in this article. So, why not bless your tank water with this friendly cute creature?

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