Home Goldfish How Long Do Goldfish Live – 9 Helpful Ways for Longer Life

How Long Do Goldfish Live – 9 Helpful Ways for Longer Life

How Long Do Goldfish Live

It’s so irritating when people say that their goldfish die so fast, and they recommend people not take it as a pet. How could they neglect the cuteness and sweetness of these little active fish? People have different opinions about goldfish lifespan. However, everyone still has the same query in their eyes “how long do goldfish live?”

It’s pretty interesting to know that some die within a night, some can live to their 15s, while some survive up to 45. Are they miraculous? No, they are not. It depends upon how you care for them.

The higher death rate has been recorded by people who took goldfish as a pet but have no or little knowledge about their food, tank requirements, and diseases. So, let’s see “how long do goldfish live in captivity, and do you take it as a pet.” We also discuss the nine helpful ways to make your goldfish live longer.

Goldfish Vs. Other Aquarium Fish

Goldfish are the longest-living fish among their tank mates. That’s why every person wants to add one to their aquarium. Let’s find out some main captive fish and their lifespans compared to other fellows.

Aquarium FishLifespan
Bolivian ram4
Betta2 to 5
Guppy3 to 5
Cherry barb5 to 7
Bloodfin tetra5 to 8
Debauwi catfish8
honey gourami4 to 8
Apistogramma5 to 10
Rainbow shark10
Discus10 to 18
Goldfish15 to 40+

How Long Do Goldfish Live?

In general, your goldfish can live 40+ years, or he may die in only one night. It all depends upon several things; the main ones are;

  • Goldfish breed,
  • Environment,
  • Food, water,
  • Individual Goldfish nature.
    The Lifespan of Different Goldfish When it comes to owning a pet goldfish, it’s essential to remember that the type of goldfish you have will play a significant role in its lifespan. While hearty single-tailed varieties like the Common and Comet goldfish can live up to 20 to 40 years, fancy goldfish with their unique features are much more delicate and prone to health problems that can reduce their longevity.
  • Suppose you’re looking for a long-lived pet fish. In that case, the tougher varieties of fancy goldfish like the Fantail, Oranda, and Ryukin are excellent options, significantly if they are raised in a pond. However, if you’re looking for a delicate and unique goldfish, be prepared for a shorter lifespan, as they typically only live for about 5 years.
  • Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences and willingness to provide the proper care needed for your pet fish to thrive. However, I have given a little information related to this topic below. Single-Tailed Fish Type Life expectancy Area Temperature Common goldfish 10 to 15 years Asia 68-74℉ Shubunkins 10-15 years Japan, America, & UK 65-75℉ Comet goldfish 4-14 years Washington state 50 to 75℉ Double-Tailed Fantail goldfish 5-8 years China and Japan 61-77℉ Ryukin 10-15 years China 65-75℉ Veiltail goldfish 10-15 years United States 65-72℉ Pearlscale goldfish 5-10 years China and Japan 65-75℉ Lionhead goldfish 10-15 years China 65-72℉ Ranchu 10-15 years Japan 65-77℉

Reasons For The Short Life Of Goldfish.

When it comes to reasons, there are many, and each one is crucial to know. We have discussed all of them in detail in our guide on why goldfish die so fast.

Here is a glimpse of it.

  • If your fish is already sick and weak.
  • Goldfish didn’t get sufficient space to swim freely
  • Too much competition and aggressive tankmates
  • Dirty environment
  • Poor filtration
  • Sudden environmental changes
  • Improper feeding
  • Stressful aquarium environment

How To Increase The Lifespan Of Goldfish

How long your goldfish live depends upon your efforts and the care you give to it. I’m going to discuss the nine different ways through which you can make your goldfish live longer.

Clean Your Goldfish Tank

Never neglect the cleaning of the tank. Goldfish produce too much waste, which contains ammonia and nitrite; thus, regular filtration is necessary to provide a safe environment.

Regularly test the water to keep the nitrate ammonia level lower. Moreover, frequent water changes are also necessary so that you can keep the water in the tank toxin free.

You can also check the water physically and smell it. If you feel that the water is not clean, change it.

Find The Right Diet

In addition to pellets and flakes, many other things should be part of your goldfish diet.

Remember, goldfish are always hungry, and they always search for food. Thus the best way is to feed them at regular intervals while keeping their diet in check.

A healthy diet includes pellets and flakes, with some vegetables and fruits and live foods like worms and shrimp. So, keep this point in mind.

Choose The Right Time For The Right Diet

The fantastic thing is that these omnivorous creatures can eat everything edible. So whatever you give them, don’t think it goes to waste.

But remember, as they eat everything, they are more prone to digestive health problems, such as bloating and constipation, which leads to other life-threatening diseases like swim bladder disease.

Water Temperature

Try your best to create a natural habitat in an aquarium for a goldfish. And the most important thing is to maintain the correct water temperature in goldfish tank.

The required temperature changes with the goldfish breed, so you must first research your goldfish breed.

Giving them a higher temperature increases their metabolism, which causes the goldfish to grow more rapidly and thus die soon. If the temperature drops, you know the ice formation in the winter doesn’t let the Goldie swim; thus, in cold weather, you have to add pond de-icer in your goldfish tank.

Suitable Space Swims Freely.

You can get impressed by the average age of 20 to 40 years of goldfish in their natural habitat. People must leave this common misconception now that they can thrive in a small bowl. Because in less area, they can’t swim properly and they can become severely stressed, which can shorten their lifespan or even result in their untimely death.

Goldfish produce a significant amount of waste with ammonia and nitrite that can quickly accumulate in a small tank, leading to harmful and toxic conditions for the fish. You can avoid damage by providing your goldfish with a sufficiently large aquarium with a minimum of 20 gallons of water per goldfish. Don’t use a small tank or bowl, and don’t overcrowd your goldfish living and swimming area, as this can be detrimental to their well-being.

Provide Filtration

More eating, more poop, this thing always annoyed the fish owners. So, remember to add proper filtration to their aquarium; otherwise, the toxins will kill your goldie within less time. Though a moderate filtration rate is good, you can also choose a high amount of biological filtration depending upon the bioload your pets can add.

Who Is Your Tankmate?

Goldfish tankmates depend upon their breed. This rule doesn’t only apply to various fish species but to the members of the same species. Remember, if you have one strong and fast fish and the other slower, then the faster one will always take the food easily and fastly and cause the other one to starve. So don’t keep the fancy goldfish (the slower one) with the slim-body goldfish.

Can I Put Them In The Pond?

Knowing which types of goldfish thrive in a freshwater pond is essential if you’re a goldfish owner. Slim-bodied goldfish like common goldfish, comets, and shubunkins can enjoy a longer lifespan in a pond.

These fish are used to living in freshwater streams and ponds in the wild, where they have plenty of sunlight and a variety of foods available to them. Even some fancy goldfish, like the fantail variety, can live in a pond with the right conditions.

However, due to their genetics, delicate fancy goldfish like pearlscales may struggle to survive in ponds. If you decide to keep goldfish in a pond, it’s essential to maintain healthy conditions, such as adjusting the pH and protecting them from predators like birds. Your goldfish can thrive in their new outdoor home with a little extra effort.

Use Bacteria To Help You.

There’s a simple way to ensure your goldie can live long, healthy lives. How? Let bacteria thrive in their tank. This might sound counterintuitive, but bacteria actually play a crucial role in keeping your goldfish healthy. They break down the waste your fish produces, which can be toxic in high amounts. Without bacteria, your goldfish could become stressed, sick, or even die. So, to give your goldfish the best possible care, make sure to cycle their tank properly and allow beneficial bacteria to thrive. Your goldie will thank you for it!

Longest Live Goldfish

Who is the world’s oldest goldfish? It is none other than Tish, who lived for 43 years and made its name recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records. But is it the only longest-living goldfish?

No, instead of 43, Goldie passed away at the age of 45 years, but sadly due to no recorded information by his owner, he didn’t win the title in his name.

Moreover, Fred and George, the two comet goldfish fair friends, lived for 40 years before passing away in Britain.

So, these examples give hope to every goldfish friend that their friends can live up to 40 years.


What is the average lifespan of goldfish?
The average lifespan of goldfish is about 10 to 15 years, with some varieties of goldfish with 30 years of proper care.

How goldfish lifespan is affected by water volume?
Goldfish life is affected by water volume; the bigger the tank or pond, the more likely your goldfish will survive.

How long do goldfish live in a bag?
The average survival period in the bag is about 8 to 12 hours, but survival also depends upon how quickly oxygen is used.

How long do goldfish live in a bowl?
Generally, goldfish live in a bowl for one year, but if you do the right things, like frequent water changes in the bowl, the average lifespan of goldfish is two to three years.

How long do goldfish live in a pond?
Goldfish live in a pond for 5 to 25 years, Fancy goldfish lifespan is 5 to 10 years in the pond, and common goldfish lifespan is 10 to 25 years. But it also depends on your goldie’s breed, the quality of the pond, and the care you offer.

How long can goldfish survive without food?
Goldfish live up to two weeks without food, but it is not recommended because captive goldfish have their feeding schedule. Don’t leave your goldfish without food for schedule.

How long do goldfish live out of water?
Goldfish live without water for up to an hour. Some survive up to three hours because they take some water with them. But it is not recommended as it will harm your goldfish.

Closing Thoughts

It’s always said to listen that a goldfish dies so fast. Always remember that a goldfish is a long-lived species of fish, and if one dies so fast, there are several reasons, and your careless nature is one of them.

They need attention, love, and care and if you can’t properly feed them, keep them away from sudden environmental changes, and give them clean water to swim and mental peace, their chances of survival will surely decrease.

On the other hand, if you properly care for them, they will live longer than your dogs and cats. We hope our guide makes you stress-free, and now you will follow it to keep your fish alive longer.

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