Home Goldfish The Ultimate Guide to Eggfish Goldfish: Tank Setup, Care, and More

The Ultimate Guide to Eggfish Goldfish: Tank Setup, Care, and More

Eggfish Goldfish

Have you ever seen an eggfish goldfish? If not, then find out about this fascinating and shimmering goldfish breed with an unusual body and unique, vibrant colors. You can’t find it quickly because it is a rare breed. 

Many goldfish pet owners want to have these glittering stars in their home aquarium, but there are many questions in their minds about what to know about this splendid goldfish. What are their characteristics, tank size, food needs, habitat, temperature, and many more hidden facts about this water creature? Let’s solve all these questions one by one so you will make a better decision as a pet owner.

Eggfish Goldfish Overview

Name Eggfish goldfish (Carassius Auratus)
ColorBlack, orange, white, and red
Size2 to 6 inches
DietCommercial goldfish flakes
Tank size20 gallons
Tank setupFresh filtered water, substrate, plants
TemperamentFriendly nature, peaceful
Lifespan10 to 15 years

It is the most lively, friendly, and gentle goldfish breed that never wants to live alone in a fish tank but wants the company to live happily. It is an ornamental goldfish breed with an egg-shaped body whose origin is in China, as they used this term in literature 800 years ago. 

But the eggfish goldfish we know today is just like another fancy goldfish type that the goldfish enthusiast developed in Japan. 

Eggfish goldfish are an ornamental breed, so their mesmerizing beauty fascinates everyone around. They are not as efficient and big as Comet goldfish and not as delicate as Ranchu goldfish. Eggfish goldfish is available in different color variations, making it more vibrant and lively.


Its body looks like an egg, which is why it is called eggfish goldfish. When it comes to appearance, the eggfish goldfish has many similarities to other popular goldfish breeds, such as Orandas and the celestial eye. One notable difference that sets them apart is the lack of a dorsal fin, which gives this fish a winsome and eye-catching unique look.

Due to the lack of dorsal fins, their control and agility in water are compromised. This can also be a serious and handicapped condition in the wild, but in a captive environment, they are safe. The lack of a dorsal fin actually provides several benefits for eggfish goldfish in aquariums, as it allows them to swim and maneuver more easily in a confined space. It also adds to their appeal and uniqueness as pet fish.

Despite their lack of dorsal fins, the eggfish goldfish is still a very active and lively species, and they make great additions to any aquarium. They are known for their quiet, friendly, and social personalities and are often observed interacting with their tank mates and swimming enthusiastically.


Eggfish goldfish are available in different colors, such as black, orange, white, and red. It mostly comes in one color, but sometimes a mixture of two or more colors forms a striking pattern. The following table will help you in finding the right color.

Red a bright, vibrant red, deep, and darker shade
Orange pale peach color to a deep, vivid orange
Black Black at fins
Yellow bright, lemon-yellow coloration
White White patches on fins or body, rarely pure white
Blue blue tint on scales, light, almost silvery blue to a deeper, darker shade
Calico red, orange, white, and black
Chocolate the quite distinctive dark brown coloration
Metallic gold to silver metallic sheen to their scales

Types Of Eggfish Goldfish

There are three different types of eggfish goldfish, and these are as follows:

Phoenix Eggfish 

It is a long-tailed goldfish with a compact, round body and a long, flowing, forked tail.

Standard Eggfish Goldfish

Standard eggfish looks similar to pompom goldfish except for the frilly nasal septa. Its common coloration is metallic and calico.

Calico Eggfish Goldfish

This variety of eggfish goldfish has smaller and mini heads in comparison to their body and has a fanning tail like fantail goldfish. Color variation includes mottled black, metallic white, and deep orange color. 

Tank Size & Temperature Requirements

When it comes to tank size, as the goldfish produce heavy waste because they are over-feeders, it requires a reasonable tank size to move around easily. 15 to 20 gallons tank size is best for young eggfish goldfish. If you have an adult eggfish, the tank size should be larger because they need extra space to grow to their full size. If you want to make your eggfish live with some other breeds of goldfish, then a larger tank will allow this gentle nature goldfish breed to enjoy others’ company.

Good water condition is suitable for eggfish goldfish because it keeps the environment clean around the goldfish. It protects your eggfish from being poisoned by high-level ammonia, debris, and dirt. Eggfish goldfish live in cooler temperatures but can tolerate warm water more than other goldfish breeds. But here, a heater is not an ultimate necessity. Temperature requirements are as follows:

Temperature67°–78° Fahrenheit
Ammonia0 ppm (parts per million)
Nitrite0 ppm
NitrateBetween 15 and 20 ppm

Other Tank Requirements

Eggfish love to explore the substrate, so keeping them in an aquarium with a substrate including small particles like sand, soil, and quartz is better. Avoid using large gravel because it can get stuck in their throat, and also avoid sharp particles because they can hurt their mouth and gills. 

Live plants also create a healthy aquarium environment for your tiny pet because they will improve the water quality and affect eggfish health. 

Light also has a good effect in the aquarium for eggfish because this goldfish breed enjoys a light time of 6 to 11 hours, whether it is natural light coming from a room window or an artificial light installed in the aquarium. On the other hand, they also require a period of darkness to rest, so keep the light close and close the window for the proper rest time for your pet.

Keeping the environment clean for your best friend is also necessary. So, choose filtration that provides aeration for the aquarium and doesn’t use a strong current. Your goldie may face difficulty swimming in a strong current because of a lack of a dorsal fin.

Tank Mates & Eggfish Behavior

As your pet is a slowing-moving breed, the best tank mates should be slow-moving with similar sizes. Streamlined goldfish like comets and common goldfish are not a good choice for eggfish. 

The reason for not having a comet or common goldfish is that they are fast and get the food fast, and eggfish remain hungry most of the time. The behavior of goldfish is gentle and social, so they are kept in groups and companies but keep in mind the size of the aquarium.

If you are searching for good tank mates, then Fantail, Ranchu, PomPom, and Lionhead are the best tank mates for eggfish goldfish. They are kept together because they have similar body types and care requirements.

In invertebrates, large snails are kept with them, but avoid shrimp and crayfish because they are too small, and crayfish are aggressive for these slow-moving tiny creatures.

Eggfish Feed

Goldfish breeds are over feeders same is the case with eggfish goldfish. The perfect diet requirements of eggfish are a balanced amount of fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. 

Sinking pallets of food are better than floating food because sinking pellets help them explore the substrate for their food, and due to floating pallets, they engulf extra air from the surface, causing Buoyancy issues. 

Veggies and plant-based matter are good for the digestive system; if you feed them freeze dried food or other invertebrates, it is a good source of protein and increases the energy levels of your goldie.

Health Care

Care for this water creature is very easy. They are not over-demanding when it comes to care and health. Remember to avoid fast-moving types of tank mates because they cannot survive easily with them. 

Ensure they have a large, clean aquarium with properly fitted filtration and good water quality. Overcrowded conditions also cause problems for eggfish goldfish because it causes difficulty in swimming. Feed them high-quality food that will be helpful for their survival for a long life. Moreover, feeding a balanced diet is also essential so your tiny goldie will enjoy a healthy life with you for a long time.

Eggfish Cost

As a pet owner, if you want to purchase this rare breed of goldfish, then according to its size and least availability in pet stores, its prices range between $30 to $100. Pet stores sell this breed at less price than the breeders but remember that breeders have high-quality stock, so for getting a healthy eggfish goldfish that is capable of living long, go to some good fish breeders. 


Eggfish is a fascinating and vibrant rare breed of goldfish that has captured the hearts of many fish lovers and pet owners. Its distinctive egg-shaped body and graceful movements will instinct many aquarium hobbyists and pet owners who just started to keep them as pets to increase the grace of their aquarium. 

Its friendly personality attracts many fish enthusiasts to keep them in the fish tanks with other goldfish breeds. So don’t hesitate to buy this beautiful and engaging water creature that provides a soothing environment and has become a beloved companion for you for a long time.

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