Home Goldfish Bubble Eye Goldfish: Find Everything About It

Bubble Eye Goldfish: Find Everything About It

Bubble eye goldfish

Do you know about the unique and visually striking species of goldfish that is known for its distinctive body and peaceful nature? It is none-other than bubble eye goldfish, and we are here to find out the characteristics, care needs, feeding habits, breeding, behavior, and temperament in detail. These general facts are very helpful for goldfish owners to keep these fascinating goldfish as a pet.

What is Bubble Eye Goldfish?

As it is an ornamental variety of goldfish, people love to keep them in their tanks. They have large fluid filled sacs protruding from the bottom of each eye and are very sensitive that can easily hurt or injure. This specific breed of fancy goldfish lacks dorsal fins, making them slow swimmers. These abnormalities make them handicapped, and due to this, they face the problem of poor swimming and partial blindness, which creates a higher risk of physical injury. Due to difficulty in feeding, you can lose your bubble eye in early life.

Origin of Bubble Eye Goldfish

As China is the origin of all goldfish varieties, Its scientific name is Carassius auratus, and it was captive-bred from wild Prussian carp in 1700. This breed of goldfish is originally from China and was traded to Japan in the 1500s and arrived in Europe in the 1600s and America in 1800.

Modern bubble-eye goldfish do not occur in wild environments but are perfect for fish tanks and aquariums, although some owners release them when they have outgrown their tanks. 

Bubble eye is a unique species of fancy goldfish with weird water-filled bubbles underneath its upturned eyes. It is a poor swimmer because of the lack of a dorsal fin. It is available in the market, but beginners should avoid having this fish in the tank.

Appearance and Varieties

Temperature65 – 72 °F
Care levelmoderate
ColorRed, calico, combinations of red and white or gold and white
Life span10-15 years
Size 3-4 inches
Tank sizeAt least 10 gallons
Tank set upNo rough or jagged surfaces
CompatibilitySome other Goldfish

The unique feature that makes it different from other goldfish varieties is its evident sacs underneath its eyes, and because of these sacs, they are known as Bubble eye goldfish.

These sacs are not filled with air; instead, they are filled with fluid. When goldfish swim, these bubbles jiggle slightly. These sacs vary in size, making swimming difficult for Bubble eye goldfish and affecting their vision. The sacs are very delicate and easily popped, but they can grow back easily. They heal easily and fill up again on their own. 

They have an egg-shaped body with a long tail fin, making moving even more difficult. Bubble eye goldfish are controversial because of their health problems and their sacs. The prominent colors are gold, orange, red, white, brown, and orange. Spots are also common, as are Koi patterns.

Bubble Eye Goldfish Life Span

Most bubble eye goldfish have an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years if we care for them properly. Some owners report that it can live up to 20 years. For good health and a long life span, providing good habitat, a balanced diet, and optimal water conditions is necessary to keep them stress-free.

Is Bubble Eye Goldfish For Sale

Yes, Bubble Eye Goldfish is for sale, and you can buy it from any pet store or local breeders; they are not expensive. You can purchase them for $7 to $10 from fish stores. However, bubble-eye goldfish is a bit difficult to find. This specific breed is rare in China, and the price depends on the coloration and unique features. 

Bubble Eye Goldfish Tank Requirement

There are many tank requirements for the safe and healthy lifestyle of Bubble eye goldfish, and these requirements are as follows:

Tank Size

Bubble eye goldfish tank is approximately of about 10 gallons, and you can add more than 10 gallons per additional fish. This goldfish breed is an appalling swimmer, so you need a rectangular tank so that they can easily come to the surface to get feed. 

Water condition

Bubble Eye Goldfish are cold-water fish like other cold-water fish; they cannot survive temperatures below 60 °F. So, keep the temperature between 65 – 72 °F (18 -22 °C) range. The average PH starts at six and ends at 8. 

Hardness is 5 to 19 degrees, and moderately hard water is best for Bubble eye goldfish, so remember that overall water minerals are not very low or high.

Tank decoration

As Bubble Eye is prone to injury and its sacs are very delicate, there is no need for extra tank decoration. You can scatter some driftwood, plants, and rocks that are soft and smooth. Goldfish can uproot live plants when they search for food, so use artificial plants, preferably made of silk instead of plastic, to ensure safety. 

Sand is okay as a substrate, but medium size gravels create a better natural-looking environment. However, remember to avoid sharp particles that can harm fish and cause injury.

Temperament and behavior

Bubble eye goldfish is a peaceful water creature that turned out to be a good tank mate for other goldfish. They get along with all other peaceful water creatures, and even they cannot attack snails. 

Bubble Eye Goldfish Feeding Habits

Like other fancy goldfish breeds, bubbleeye goldfish have specific feeding habits with a proper and healthy balanced diet that ensures their health and well-being. Let’s find out what keeps them healthy and fulfil their nutritional needs.

  • A high-quality, balanced, and nutritious diet is the basic need of bubble-eye. It specifically includes commercial food pellets or flakes. These commercial goldfish foods contain protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates that fulfil their major dietary needs. 
  • Overfeeding is a big problem in most breeds of goldfish; the same is true with bubble eye. They are prone to many digestive issues and swim bladder disease; therefore, feed them with small, frequent meals throughout the day rather than all food at one time. It should be 1-2 times a day, depending on size and age.
  • Bubble-Eye goldfish have a delicate digestive system, and they cannot digest dry pellets or flakes because they cause them to gulp in the air, leading to buoyancy problems. The best way to avoid such a situation is to soak dry food in water for a few minutes before feeding. This feeding style makes it easier for them to digest without ingesting excess air.
  • Feeding your bubble eye a variety of food and supplementing their diet with different occasional treats and fresh food is very important. It should be a balanced amount of vegetables like peas, lettuce, or spinach, and it may be live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia to make their diet nutritious and healthy for them.
  • Monitor Bubble-eye goldfish behavior and body condition every day and adjust the feed according to this behavior and body changes to avoid health issues and longevity.

How To Keep Them Healthy

BubbleEye goldfish are suspected of many diseases like other freshwater fishes. These diseases are Ich, Swimbladder, skin flukes, Dropsy, and much more. All these diseases affect the health of goldfish. The major color changes occur as they begin to turn white and sometimes black when they affect from disease. 

You can easily keep them healthy and strong with good water conditions and a proper and balanced diet. If any disease affects BubbleEye goldfish, you can quarantine them for treatment and prevent from spreading of the disease. 

Your Bubble-eye is at risk of bacterial infections and prone to injury if its eye sacs are ruptured. The major cause of infection is that the inner lining of sacs is sensitive when they are exposed to water, so it is important to keep soft rocks and avoid objects that cause injury to bubble eye.


Breeding is not a difficult thing in Bubble eye, and they are also eager to breed whenever they find or you give them proper conditions. You can also breed Bubble eye in large groups, and there is no need to distinguish between sexes.

The only reason to separate them is the eating habits of their eggs, so you have to use a separate tank during the breeding season. Bubble eye goldfish determine their breeding period through temperature, so you have to change the tank’s temperature to get them into breeding mode.


Bubble eye Goldfish is the most charming and mesmerizing variety of goldfish. Still, it isn’t recommended by many breeders because of its health issues and delicate sacs that affect their vision and cause problems in swimming. But if you like to have a bubble eye, you can take some preventive measures for a healthy and long life of your goldie.

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