Home Dogs Are Zoomies A Sign Of A Happy Dog

Are Zoomies A Sign Of A Happy Dog

Are Zoomies A Sign Of A Happy Dog

Are Zoomies A Sign Of A Happy Dog? Is this question bothers you as a pet owner. Many pet owners have seen the strange behavior of their dogs. They run madly, jumping unstoppably, spinning, and trying to catch their own tail. Dogs mostly show such behavior when you bring back your dog inside from a walk or any time in the day. 

If your canine friend shows such behavior, then you have many questions in mind regarding it, like other pet owners, and think: What are zoomies (or FRAPs), and how do they manifest in dogs? What are the potential causes of zoomies in dogs? Are zoomies a sign of a happy dog or an indication of stress? How can dog owners manage their dog’s zoomies to ensure safety and comfort? Let’s find quick answers to all these questions. 

Are Zoomies A Sign Of A Happy Dog

Dog Zoomies are a common behavior every dog owner can relate to and experience when their pups are around. Even well-behaved dogs become high-speed runners and roam around the house. The sudden bursts of energy in your dog make you surprised and confused. 

That sudden behavior in your canine friend is commonly known as “FRAPs” (frenetic random activity periods). It particularly occurs among young and playful dog breeds. Seeing your dog engage in these frantic sprints might entertain you. However, it is equally important to keep in mind their safety. Zoomies may seem chaotic, but they are a perfectly healthy and normal activity for your pup. It is a perfect way to expand excess energy and alleviate boredom. 

For pet owners who are confused about whether Zommies is a sign of danger or a sign of happiness, this guide is really helpful in understanding your canine behavior. Also, let’s see the reason behind, the symptoms and overcoming process in this guide. 

What Do Dog Zoomies Mean?

Dog zoomies are a specific kind of canine behavior. The dog starts showing hyperactivity when they start releasing energy they build up due to inactivity in the past time. As we already discussed, its common name is FRAPs, which actually means Frenetic Random Activity period.  

A study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science found that dogs with higher levels of energy were more likely to engage in FRAPs. This suggests that zoomies may be a way for dogs to release build-up energy. 

Every dog’s behavior is different while building up energy. It raises a few queries like do dogs do zoomies when happy? Do happy dogs get zoomies? Do a dogs usually get zoomies, or does it come in a specific situation? What acts as a trigger behind dog zoomies behavior? 

According to Healthy Paws Pet Insurance veterinarian, Dr. Zac Pilossoph, zoomies is a simple dog behavior. Canines use it to explain their feelings, whether they are excited or happy. Most of the time, it indicates that your dog is feeling happy, playful, and energetic. 

The Sudden Burst of activity allows them to release excess energy, release stress and boredom, and express their natural instincts.

According to another study published in Animal Cognition, dogs were more likely to engage in FRAPs when they were excited, such as when they were anticipating a walk or playtime. This suggests that zoomies may be a way for dogs to express their excitement.

6 Reasons For Dog Zoomies Behavior:

What causes dog zoomies, and what are the hidden reasons behind it? From hounds to great Danes, zoomies are a common action. However, this act is more prominent in puppies and young dogs. They are highly energetic and burn energy faster than older dogs. Zoomies behavior in dogs are due to certain reason, and here we discuss some of the prominent ones that are as follows:


Sometimes, dogs zoom around to see their pet parent or another dog, showing excitement. Excitement is one of the reasons for dogs’ certain acts. It is a fun activity for your dog, and according to a board-certified veterinary behaviorist, Dr. Lisa Radosta, DVM, and pet parents should take advantage of it

According to her, Zoomies in her dog is his way of celebration. He acts like a five-category hurricane and starts jumping all over the place and enjoying it.

Sarah, the Dutch dog owner, shared her pet dog story with us by saying, “My dog gets zoomies when she’s excited. She’ll jump around and bark when I come home from work, or when we’re about to go for a walk. I love seeing her so happy!” 

Relax And Relieve Pain

According to DVM Lisa Radosta, sometimes dogs get zoomies as a sign of happiness and celebration. They get zoomies occasionally due to pain in hind areas, specifically pain from flea bites or arthritis. In pain, they show this behavior to relieve pain and relax the body. David, a pet dog owner, reveals his dog Zoomies behavior and tells us, 

“My dog gets zoomies when he sees other dogs. He’ll run up to them and start playing, even if he doesn’t know them. It’s so cute!”

Warm-Up Body:

Sometimes, your pup makes this uncontrolled and wild rush to warm up its body. Mostly, this behavior occurs after they are out of the pool lake or have a bath. 

Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Do you know most dogs get zoomies after a bath? They frequently show FRAPs, especially after a bath. That is how they release tension and anxiety. Susan, a dog owner, admitted this particular behavior in her dog and said:

 “My dog gets zoomies when she gets a bath. She’ll run around the house and try to roll in the dirt to get the shampoo off. It’s hilarious!” 

Whenever a stressful or exciting event occurs in canine life, the dog gets zoomies to pacify that situation and release the build-up energy. 

Primary Instinct

Canine is energetic and vibrant during the day and evening due to its hunting cycles. According to Dr. Radosta, coyotes hunt in the morning and evening according to their prey life cycle, and they are more vulnerable. So, it is their primary instinct to do zoomies at a specific time of the day.

Feel Relax & Good Moment

Many pet parents notice this particular behavior in their dogs after pooping. It is just like their body is free from a major load, and it is their time for celebration. But sometimes, the dog gets zoomies as the poop is stuck with the dog, and it tries to get away from it, and that stress makes them show such behavior. 

Zoomies Common Signs To Consider

Zoomies behavior in dogs varies, with some actions more acceptable than others. The answer to the question “Are zoomies a sign of a happy dog?” The answer is yes; according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), zoomies are a sign of a happy dog. They are a normal and healthy behavior that dogs engage in to release build-up energy and express their excitement. Zoomies are most common in young, playful dogs, but they can also occur in older dogs. If your dog shows negative behavior during zoomies, like zoomies biting, give them training to avoid a worse situation. Some negative signs that dog shows are as follows, with reasons and quick solutions:

SymptomReasonRecommended items for dog zoomies symptoms
Jumping on peopleExcitement, attention seekingTraining treats (rewarding calm behavior), calming supplements, comfortable bed (encouraging relaxation), elevated bed (providing a safe haven)
Nipping and BitingOverstimulation, frustration, teethingChewable toys (redirecting behavior), calming collar (anxiety relief), puzzle game (mental stimulation), interactive toys like shark dog toys (engaging activity)
Knocking things overExcess energy, lack of focusFetch toys (physical activity), leash/harness (controlled exercise), training treats (rewarding calmness), puzzle game (mental stimulation)
Chasing other dogs and ignoring parent commandsExcitement, disobedience, insufficient trainingLeash/harness (controlled interaction), training treats (rewarding obedience), calming supplements (reducing anxiety), interactive toys (alternative engagement)
Chasing tailsBoredom, anxiety, lack of exerciseInteractive toys (mental stimulation), puzzle game (cognitive engagement), calming collar (anxiety relief), fetch toys (physical activity)
Various Zoomies symptomsunfamiliar environment, loud noises, anxiety or stress, overexcitement, separation anxiety  Thunder shirt (Traveling, thunderstorms or fireworks, while meeting new people or dogs, vet visits or grooming appointments, at home alone)

Do Canines’ Zoomie Behavior Dangerous?

Most of the people who want to become pet owners, especially dogs, ask are dog zoomies bad. As we already discussed, Zoomies are a positive sign and a healthy activity, and they indicate that your dog is a vibrant ball of energy, but sometimes they can harm your dog and may be dangerous. 

Sometimes, dogs zoom around the room without any sense of direction and bang their body parts against a wall or some object or even trip downstairs. This behavior and their unawareness lead to a serious accident. 

“My dog gets overexcited even after seeing Orbeez. My Fang, an aggressive Siberian Husky canine, loves these small, colorful, sparking beads and tries to chase their movement. His excitement also makes me worry, as I feel whenever he gets a chance, he will definitely try to chew or eat Orbeez.”

When dogs get Zoomies, parents should avoid taking them for walks as it is also dangerous. The sudden energy changes will affect your dog, and they will affect the surroundings. The most probable behavior is your dog bolts away from the leash and rushes into the car. Therefore, the risk of serious accidents increases, and sometimes you may lose your canine friend. 

These sudden energy changes also harm others as your dog runs and bites a person around your surroundings. Therefore, this particular dog behavior is sometimes dangerous overall, so a pet owner might be careful while their dog gets zoomies. 

Zoomies Regarding Dog Breeds

All dogs get zoomies, but it may vary from breed to breed. More active breeds get more zoomies. Dogs with sedentary lives get more zoomies than others. The most common are Border Collie, Jack Russell Terrier, Dalmatian, Weimaraner, and others. On the other side, less active breeds have less tendency to get zoomies. They are not energetic animals, so can’t build enough energy for zoomies, such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Basset Hound, and Bulldog.

Zoomies’ behavior is common among all canine breeds, whatever their size, behavior, and other features and factors. Pups are excluded from it because they don’t have enough motor skills, physical strength or energy to run and spin madly. They get Zoomies; maybe they are auto one week older. 

In senior dogs, if mobility persists, they will also have zoomies behavior that indicates that your canine friend is in good health and is vibrant and energetic enough to get zoomies. According to veterinarian opinions, zoomies are impossible to appear in sick dogs. Their body energy is utilized in fixing the canine’s affected parts. 

How To Stop Dog Zoomies: 4 Helpful Ways

Research says that stopping Zoomies is challenging. That’s why you can only train your dog to deal with the situation and to ensure that this behavior cannot get out of control. Rhoades suggests that you can calm your dog after zoomies by using food. Just scatter some food on the ground and let your pooch find it. Simple nose activities also work to control the excitement. 

Here are some other helpful points to reduce Zoomies in dogs:


Routine plays an important part in stopping your dog from getting zoomies. Take your dog for a walk daily at 5 AM. Fix this routine for your canine so that your friend becomes healthy and fit. Changing your dog’s routine, makes its physiology confused. This confusion often causes zoomies in your canine.

Creating a Safe Environment

A safe surrounding environment is important to keep your dog safe while getting zoomies. It is important so that they cannot get harmed. Ensure that your dog is away from harmful areas with a risk of accidents. A fenced yard or carpeted floor is recommended for their safety. 


Zoomies are actually due to an excessive energy level that builds up in the body. Regular exercise is essential to reduce excessive energy and control their action. Dogs who lack physical activity have more chances of zoomies in dogs. So, pet owners give dogs proper exercise time to fix this activity. The exercise releases your dog’s extra energy and lets zoomies minimize. Regular exercise lets pet owners control their dog zoomies and keep them away from boredom.

Help From Vet

Suppose all these activities cannot fix the problem. In that case, it is highly recommended to visit a vet for proper medication, and the vet also suggests other ways to lower the energy. 

My Verdict on Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog.

Zoomies are a natural behavior of dogs that are used to release excessive build-up energy that is beneficial for dogs’ health. So, don’t worry about the dog’s behavior, as most dogs show such excitement to release pent-up energy by getting zoomies. Through this blog information, you can easily handle your dog’s behavior.

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